Wyatt Heritage Properties presents the Olde Fashioned Carnival Stage Show
The Wyatt Heritage Properties are thrilled to present to you the Olde Fashioned Carnival, a fun-filled variety stage show on the outdoor stage of Wyatt Heritage Properties on Thursday, August 26.
There will be three showtimes: 2:30 pm, 4 pm, and 5:30 pm. Each show will be limited to 100 tickets. The cost of a ticket is $3.00 and each ticket comes with cotton candy.
Appearing on-stage will be the Maritime Marionettes Show, Steve and the Chadster Musical Act (Steve Perry and Chad Matthews), Bunny Trails Animal Show, and Rosco the Clown.
Chairs will be limited for those who need, so to assure everybody has a great view please bring your own blanket to sit on.
Tickets must be pre-purchased and can be acquired by calling 902-432-4924 or by dropping by the Lefurgey Cultural Centre at Wyatt Heritage Properties, 205 Prince Street, Summerside.
Tuesday, August 31 is the rain date for this amazing show.