
Red Shores Racetrack & Casino

Located at 55 Greenwood Drive in Summerside, RED SHORES at Summerside Raceway also offers a RED HOT entertainment package, featuring live and simulcast racing, and a gaming floor with 40 slot machines. Plus, West End Bar and Grill welcomes you for casual food and drinks.

Summerside Raceway is believed to be the oldest, continuously racing track in Canada. Opening day July 1st, 1886 was an exciting day. The featured race held by the Green Bros., was a match race between Hernando and Black Pilot.

The race, according to the “Island Farmer” of August 30, 1888, drew 5,000 fans although the grandstand only held 500. Black Pilot took the last three heats after losing the first one. The driver of Black Pilot was Charlie Earl and the owner was Mr. Dockendorff. Hernando was driven by P.C. Brown and the owners were Dr. J. A. Gourlie and R. C. McLeod.

Each horse took a quarter of the total gate with the owners of the track taking half. The “Island Farmer” said that the Green Bros. paid for the cost of the track with their huge crowd.

RED SHORES is home to some of the biggest and most prestigious harness races in the country. In July, the Summerside Raceway hosts the Governors Plate.

REDSHORES Racino features live and simulcast racing, and a gaming floor with 40 slot machines. On weekends, try your hand at the blackjack tables.

Sunday- Thursday 11:00am – 11:00pm
Friday – Saturday 11:00 am – 1:00am


Red Shores Summerside Raceway


55 Greenwood Dr, Summerside


Christie Love


(902) 888-5666



Year Round
